Nearest station
Osaka Metro Midosuji, Tanimachi, JR Lines
Ōsaka-fu, Ōsaka-shi, Tennōji-ku, Chausuyama-chō 1-8
Horikoshi Jinja
4 August, 2020
homepage (Japanese)
This is the eleventh of the ex post facto shrine reports I compiled while under continuing self-imposed isolation after the Covid-19 State of Emergency in Tōkyō was lifted.
Along with Ōe Jinja, and Kobori Inari Jinja is one of The Seven Shitennoji Miya. Was built In honour of Shōtoku Taishi’s uncle, the 32nd emperor, Sushun, in the scenic, heavily forested Chasuyama area. The shrine’s name literally means “crossing the moat,” deriving from the existence of a moat flowing along the southern border of the shrine from olden times until the mid-Meiji Period; to enter the shrine from that direction one had to cross the moat. In the second decade of the 17th century the site was caught up in both the winter and summer battles of the the siege of Ōsaka. There is a saying closely associated with the shrine, "The Kami of Horikoshi Jinja will grant you a lifetime wish once in your life.” (堀越さんは一生に一度の願いを聞いてくださる神さん).
Enshrined Kami:
(Note: numbers in parentheses after kami names
refer to position in How Many Kami table)
Emperor Sushun 崇峻天皇
From Merged Shrines
Enpress-consort Otehime 小手姫皇后
Prince Hachiko 蜂子皇子
Princess Nishikite 錦代皇女
In -ground Shrines:
Taijōshinsen-Chintakureifushin 太上神仙鎮宅霊符神
Kumamo dai-ichi Ōji-no-Gū 熊野第一王子之宮
Chausuyama Inari Jinja 茶臼山稲荷神社
Annual Festival: October 18

(Click on images to expand them)