Nearest station
Shitennōji-mae Yūhigaoka
Osaka Metro Tanimachi Line
Ōsaka-fu, Ōsaka-shi, Tennōji-ku, Shinpōin-chō 24-9
30 June, 2020
homepage: none
This is the eighth of the ex post facto shrine reports I compiled while under self-isolation during the (now-lifted) Covid-19 State of Emergency in Tōkyō.
This is the only jinja in the country where Emperor Bidatau, the ancestor of the Tachibana family is enshrined. It was probably built in 593 along with the Shitennō-ji temple to serve as the spiritual guardian of the temple’s two medical institutions. Reflecting this, its initial kami were the kami of medicine, Gojō Ōkami and Sukunahikone-no-Mikoto. It was after this that Emperor Bidatsu was enshrined and the name of the shrine became Bidatsu Tennō-Sha. It became the tutelary shrine for what was then Gojō-mura in Higashinara-gun and was seen as offering protection against the emanations from the inauspicious north-east (Kimon 鬼門) direction. It is said that the grounds occupied by the shrine housed the residence of Emperor Bidatsu while he was still Crown Prince.
In more modern times, the Meiji Period to be exact, the shrine was given Village Shrine ranking in 1872 and in 1915 it was designated a Kanpei-sha 官幣社.
Enshrined Kami:
(Note: numbers in parentheses after kami names
refer to position in How Many Kami table)
Emperor Bidatsu 敏達天皇
Gojō Ōkami 五条大神
Sukunahikone-no- Mikoto (101) 少彦名命
From Merged Shrines
In-ground Shrines:
Inari Jinja 稲荷神社
Nanakami Gōdō 七神合堂
Kōmyōryūō Hokora光明竜王祠
Annual Festival:

(Click on images to expand them)