
How many Kami in Japan? Literally eight million,
in reality an awesome incalculable number
One of the first Japanese expressions anyone with a more than passing interest in Shintō will come across is Yaoyorozu no kami. This translates literally as eight million kami, but is better interpreted as myriads of kami. The kami can be everywhere and in everything, in the forces of creation, in mountains and rivers and other natural phenomenon, they can be historic figures, forces for good and for evil, they can be seen as a bonding force holding the world together.
One of the most widely quoted and succinct definitions of kami was given by the famous 17th century Nativist (Kokugaku lit. National Learning) scholar Motoori Norinaga (1730-1801): "...any being whatsoever which possesses some eminent quality out of the ordinary, and is awe-inspiring, is called Kami.”
Kokugaku was a 17C-18C school of thought stressing the study of ancient Japanese tradition and classics, particularly in opposition to Confucianism and Buddhism, and its spirit is kept alive in the 132 year-old Kokugakuin University located in Tōkyō’s Shibuya-ku. Along with Motoori its most famous proponents were Hirata Atsutane (1776-1843), Kadano Azumamaro (1669-1736) and Kamo no Mabuchi (1697-1769). It is perhaps only fitting that Motoori himself has become a kami: he is enshrined at the eponymous Motoorinorinaga-no-miya in Matsuzaka city, Mie Prefecture. Using Motoori’s definition the number of kami is probably uncountable, so I will therefore confine myself to giving a numerical estimate of specifically named kami.
The table below, which is still very much a work in progress, is a list of some of the kami in the standard genealogy for the gods of the Kiki. It is based on a book by Kawaguchi Kenji (川口謙二) "An Interpretive Dictionary of the Japanese Gods" (日本の神様・ 読み解き辞典). If my addition is correct there are a total of 661 kami from the first one mentioned in the Kojiki, Ame-no-minaka-nushi, to the last one, the Emperor Nintoku. The latter is the 16th in the list of Japanese emperors said to have begun with Jimmu in 660 B.C. The present Emperor, Akihito, is the 125th in the line so if we count from the 17th in the line there are a further 108 to add to the number of Kiki kami, bringing the total to 769. I am not sure how many historical figures such as Motoori have been kamified (jinbutsukami): unfortunately the Shinto Dai Jiten has no entries under this category while Masuda lists just 18. On its Japanese Web site Wikipedia gives a list of 304, the Japanese dictionary website Weblio lists 157). Using the Wikipedia number brings the total for kami to 1,073. Where I shall stop for now.
(To find links to Kami described on the site, please use the Find Kami page).
The Japanese Creation Myth, known as Tenchi-Kaibaku (天地開闢, lit. "Creation of Heaven and Earth") begins with the emergence of Heaven, Takamagahara (高天原, lit. "High Plain of Heaven") and culminates with the creation of the Japanese archipelago, Kuniumi (国生み, lit. "Birth of the country") by the seventh and last of the Seven Divine Generations, Izanagi-kami and Izanami-kami.
The Three Gods of Creation (1-3) (造化三神, Zokasanshin)
The Distinguished Heavenky Kami (1-5) (別天神, Kotoamatsukami)
1 Ameno-minaka-nushi 天之御中主神
2 Takami-musubi-kami 高御産巣日神
3 Kami-musubi-kami 神産巣日神
4 Umashi-ashikabi-hikoji-kami 宇摩志阿斯訶備比古遅神
5 Amenotokotachi-kami 天之常立神
Seven Divine Generations (6-12) (神世七代, Kamiyonanayo)
6 Kuninotokotachi-kami 国乃常立神
7 Toyokumono-kami 豊雲野神
8 Uhijini-kami 宇比邇神
8 Suhijini-kami 須比智邇神
9 Ikuguhi-kami 活杙神
9 Tsunuguhi-kami 角神
10 Otonoji-kami 意富斗地神
10 Otonobe-kami 大斗乃弁神
11 Omodaru-kami 淤母陀琉神
11 Ayakashikone-kami 阿夜訶志古泥神
12A Izanagi-kami 伊邪那岐神
12B Izanami-kami 伊邪那美神
13 Hiruko /Awashima 蛭子神 ・ 淡島
Creation of the Japanese archipelago, (14-15F) (国生み Kuniumi)
14 Ōyashima 大八州
14A Awaji-no-ho-no-sawake-no-shima 淡道之穂之狭別島
14B Iyonofuto-na-shima 伊予之二名島
14C Okinomitsugo-no-shima 隠伎之三子島
14D Tsukushi-no-shima 筑紫島
14E Iki-no-shima 伊伎島
14F Tsushima 津島
14G Sado-no-shima 佐度島
14H Ōyama-toyoakitsushima 大倭豊秋津島
15A Kibinoko-shima 吉備児島
15B Azuki-jima 小豆島
15C Ōshima 大島
15D Hime-jima 女島
15E Chika-no-shima 知訶島
15F Futago-no-shima 両児島
The 35 descendants of Izanami and Izanagi (16-27)
16-18C children of Izanami and Izanagi
16 Ōgoto-oshio-kami 大事忍男神
17A Iwatsuchi-biko-kami 石土毘古神
17B Iwasu-bime-kami 石巣比売神
17C Ōtohi-wake-kami 大戸日別神
17D Ameno-fukio-kami 天之吹男神
17E Ōyabiko-kami 大屋毘古神
17F Kazaketsu-wake-no-oshio 風木津別之忍男神
Sea-related Kami (18A,B,C)
18A Ōwatatsumi-kami 大綿津見神
Kami of the sea
Two Kami of the sea straits/river mouths (18B,18C)
18B Haya-akitsu-hiko-kami 速秋津日子神
18C Haya-akitsu-hime-kami 妹速秋津比売神
18B & 18C man and wife
19A-19H children of 18B & 18C
19A Awa-nagi-kami 沫那芸の神
19B Awa-nami-kami 沫那美の神
19C Tsura-nagi-kami 頬那芸の神
19D Tsura-nami-kami 頬那美の神
19E Ameno-mikumari-kami 天之水分の神
19F Kuni-no-mikumari-kami 国之水分の神
19G Ameno-kuhigimochi-kami 天之久比奢母智神
19H Kuni-no-kuhigimochi-kami 国之久比奢母智神
20-23 children of Izanami & Izanagi
20 Shinatobe-kami 紙長戸辺神
Kami of the Wind
20 Shinatsu-hiko-kami 志那都比古神
21 Kugunochi-kami 久久能智神
Kami of Trees
22 Ōyamatsumi-mikoto 大山都見命
22 Ōyamazumi-kami 大山祇神
Kami of Mountains
23 Kayanu-hime-kami 鹿屋野比売神
Kami of Plains
24A-24H Eight children of 22 & 23
24A Ameno-sazuchi-kami 天之狭土神
24B Kuni-no-sazuchi-kami 国之狭土神
24C Ameno-sagiri-kami 天之狭霧神
24D Kuni-no-sagiri-kami 国之狭霧神
24E Ameno-kamiurato-kami 天之闇戸神
24F Kuni-no-kamiurato-kami 国之闇戸神
24G Ōtomato-hime-kami 大戸惑女神
24H Ōtomato-hiko-kami 大戸惑子神
25-27 children of Izanami & Izanagi
25 Tori-no-iwakusufune-kami 鳥之石楠船神
26 Ōgetsu-hime-kami 大宜都比売神
27 Hi-no-yagihayao-kami 火之夜藝速男神
Kami of Fire
(Izanami died from giving birth to Hi-no-yagihayao-kami: out of grief at her death Izanagi decapitated his son using his large sword, known as Ame-no-ohabari)
The six Kami who came into existence from Izanami's excreta as she lay dying
two (28, 29) from her vomit
28 Kanayama-hiko-kami 金山毘古神
29 Kanayama-hime-kami 金山毘売神
two (30,31) from her faeces
30 Haniyasu-hiko-kami 波邇夜須毘古神
31 Haniyasu-hime-kami 波邇夜須毘売神
two (32,33) from her faeces
32 Mizuha-no-me-no-kami 弥都波能売神
33 Wakumusubi 和久産巣日神
34 Toyōuke-Ōkami 豊受大神 daughter of 33
35 Nakisawa-me-no-kami 泣沢女神
(This goddess appeared from the tears Izanagi shed in grief at Izanami's death)
The eight kami (36-43) who came into existence from the blood dripping from Ame-no-ohabari
36 Iwa-saku-kami 石柝神
37 Ne-saku-kami 根柝神
38 Iwatsutsu-no-o-kami 石筒之男神 son of 27
39 Miki-hayabi-kami 甕速日神
40 Hi-hayabi-kami 樋速日神
41 Takemikazuchi-no-o-kami 樋速日神
42 Kura-okami-kami 闇淤加美神
43 Kura-mitsuha-kami 闇御津羽神
The eight kami (44A-44H) who came into existence from Hi-no-yagihayao-kami's corpse
44A Masaka-yamatsumi-kami 正鹿山津見神
44B Odo-yamatsumi-kami 淤縢山津見神
44C Oku-yamatsumi-kami 奥山津見神
44D Kura-yamatsumi-kami 闇山津見神
44E Shigi-yamatsumi-kami 志芸山津見神
44F Ha-yamatsumi-kami 羽山津見神
44G Hara-yamatsumi-kami 原山津見神
44H To-yamatsumi-kami 戸山津見神
45 Yakusa-no-Ikazuchi-kami 八雷神
Collective name for the eight godsof thunder
46 Yomotsushikome 黄泉醜女
The 'Hags of Yoni (Hades), sent by the dead Izanami in Hades to pursue Izanagi
47 Ōkamuzumi-no-mikoto 富加牟豆美命
48A Yomitsu-Ōkami 横泉大神
alternative name for Izanami
49 Sayari-yomido-Ōkami 塞坐黄泉戸大神
50 Hetsu-kaibera-kami 辺津甲斐弁羅神
Twelve Kami born from the clothes Izanagi cast off while he was purifying himself
50A Tsukitatsufunada-kami 衝立船戸神
50B Michi-no-nagachiha-kami 道之長乳歯神
50C Tokiokashi-kami 時置師神
50D Wazurahi-no-ushi-kami 和豆良比能宇斯能神
50E Michimata-kami 道俣神
50F Akigui-no-ushi-kami 飽咋之宇斯能神
50G Okizagaru-kami 奥疎神
50H Okitsu-nagisa-hiko-kami 奥津那芸左毘古神
50I Okitsu-kaibera-kami 奥津甲斐弁羅神
50J He-zakaru-kami 邊疎神
50K Hetsu-nagisa-hiko-kami 辺津那芸佐毘古神
50L Hetsu-kaibera-kami 辺津甲斐弁羅神
Fourteen Kami 51A-57 born when Izanagi was bathing
51A Yasomaga-tsuhi-kami 八十禍津日神
51B Ōmaga-tsuhi-kami 大禍津日神
52A Kami-naobi-kami 神直毘神
52B Ō-naobi-kami 大直毘神
52C Izunome-kami 伊豆能売神
53A Soko-tsumi-watatsumi 底津綿津見
53B Naka-tsumi-watatsumi 中津綿津見
53C Uwa-tsumi-watatsumi 上津綿津見
54A Soko-tsutsu-no-o 底筒之男
54B Naka-tsutsu-no-o 中筒之男
54C Uwa-tsutsu-no-o 上筒之男
The Three Precious Children 55,56,57
55 Amaterasu Ōkami 天照大御神
56 Tsukiyomi-no-mikoto 月読命
57 Susano-o-mikoto 須佐之男命
The August Female Children 58A-C
58A Okitsuhimahime-no-mikoto 澳津島比売尊
58B Ichikishima-hime-no-mikoto 市杵嶋姫命
58C Tagitsu-hime-mikoto 多岐都比売命
The August Male Children 59A-E
59A Masakatsu-akatsukachi-hayahiame-nooshi-hamimi-mikoto 正勝吾勝勝速日天忍穂耳
59B Ameno-hohi-mikoto 天之菩卑能命
59C Amatsu-hikone-mikoto 天津日子根尊
59D Ikutsu-hikone-mikoto 活津日子根尊
59E Kumano-kusu-bime-mikoto 熊野久須毘命
Amaterasu lured out of the Rock Cave of Heaven 60-68
60 Takehiratori-mikoto 建比良鳥命 child of 59B
61 Yagokoro-Omoikane-kami 八意思金神 child of 2
62 Kanechi-Amatsumara 鍛人天津麻羅
63 Ishikoridome-kami 伊斯許理度売命
64 Tamaoya-mikoto 玉祖命
65 Ameno-koyane-mikoto 天児屋命
66 Futadama-mikoto 布刀玉命
67 Ameno-tajikara-kami 天手力男神
68 Ame-no-uzume-mikoto 天宇受売命
69A Ashinazuchi-mikoto 足名椎命
69B Tenazuchi-mikoto 名椎命
70 Kushinada-hime-mi koto 奇稲田姫命
71A Iso Takeru-no-kami 五十猛神
71B Ōyatsuhime-mikoto 大屋津比咩命
71C Tsumatsu-hime-mikoto 抓津比咩命
72A Yashima-jinumi-no-kami 八島士奴美神
72B Konohana-chiru-hime 木花知流比売尊
73 Kamiōichi-hime-mikoto 神大市比売尊
74 Ōtoshi-kami 大歳神
75 Uka-no-mitama-kami 宇迦之御魂神
76A Fuhanomojikunusunu-kami 布波能母遅久奴須奴神
76B Hikawa-hime-mitoko 日河比売命
77A Fukabuchi-no-mizuyarehana-kami
77B Ameno-tsudohechinu-kami 天宇受売命
78A Omizunu-kami 淤美豆奴神
78B Funuzunu-kami 布怒豆怒神
78C Futemimi-kami 布帝耳神
79A Ameno-fuyuginu-kami 天之冬衣神
79B Sashikuni-Ōkami 刺国大神
79C Sashikuni-waka-hime-mikoto
80 Ōkuni-nushi-no-mikoto 大國主命
81 Yaso-gami 八十神
82 Hakuto-shin 白兎神
83 Yagami-hime-mikoto 八上比売尊
84A Kisagai-hime 𧏛貝比売
84B Umugi-hime 蛤貝比売
85 Suseri-hime-mikoto 須勢理比売尊
86 Ki-no-mata-kami 木俣神
87 Numakawa-hime-mikoto 沼河比売命
88E Shitateru-hime-mikoto 下照比売命
89 Kamuyatate-hime-mikoto 神屋楯比売命
90 Kotoshiro-nushi-no-mikoto 事代主命
91A Yashima-muji-kami 八島牟遅神
91C Tori-narumi-kami 鳥鳴海神
92A Hina-teri-nukata- bijioikochini-kami
92B Kunioshitomi-kami 国忍富神
93A Ashinadaka-kami 葦那陀迦神
93B Hayamika-no-takesaba- yajinumi-kami
94A Ameno-mika-nushi-kami 天之甕主神
94C Mika-nushi-hiko-kami 甕主日子神
95A Hinarashi-bime-kami 比那良志毘売
95B Tahirikishimarumi-kami 多比理岐志麻流美神
96A Hihiragino-sonohana- mazumi-kami
96B Ikutama-sakitama-hime-kami 活玉前玉比売神
96C Mironami-kami 美呂浪神
97A Shikiyama-nushi-kami 敷山主神
97B Aonuma-nuoshi-hime 青沼馬沼押比売
97C Nuoshi-tomitori-narumi-kami 布忍富鳥鳴海神
98A Wakahiru-me-kami 若昼女神
98B Ame-hibara-aoshinadomi-kami 天日腹大科度美神
99A Tōtsu-machi-ne-kami 遠津待根神
99B Tōtsu-yamazaki-tarahi-kami 遠津山岬多良斯神
100A Tani-guku 多邇具久
100B Kue-biko-kami 久延毘古神
101 Sukunabi-kona-no-kami 少名毘古那神
102A Kamu-ikisubi-kami 神活須毘神
102B Inu-hime-kami 伊怒比売神
102D Kara-kami 韓神
102E Sohori-kami 曽富理神
102F Mukahi-kami 向日神
102G Hijiri-kami 聖神
103A Kagayo-hime-kami 香用比売神
103B Ōkaga-yamato-omi-kami 大香山戸臣神
103C Otoshi-gami 御年神
104A Ameshiru-karumizu-hime-kami 知迦流美豆比売
104C Ōbe-himi-kami 大戸比売神
104D Ōyamakui-no-kami 大山咋神
104D Yamasue-no-Ōnushi-kami 山末之大主神
104E Niwatsu-hi-kami 庭津日神
104F Asuha-kami 阿須波神
104G Hahiki-kami 波比岐神
104H Kayamato-omi-kami 香山戸臣神
104I Hayamato-kami 羽山戸神
104J Niwata-katsu-hi-kami 庭高津日神
104K Ōtsuchi-kami 大土神
104K Tsuchi-no-mi-oya-kami 土之御祖神
105A Wakayama-kui-kami 若山咋神
105B Wakatoshi-kami 若年神
105C Wakasa-na-mekami 若沙那売神
105D Mizumaki-kami 弥豆麻岐神
105E Natsu-takatsu-hi-kami 夏高津日神
105E Natsu-no-mekami 夏之売神
105F Akibe-mekami 秋毘売神
105G Kuku-toshi-kami 久久年神
105H Kuku-kiwaka- morotsuna-ne-kami
106A Kami-musubi-mikoto 神魂命
106B Kamo-taketsu-nemi-mikoto 賀茂建角身命
106C Taketama-yorihiko-mikoto 建玉依比古命
106E Kamo-wake-ikazuchi-mikoto 賀茂別雷命
107 Yorozu-hata-toyo-akitsu-shihime-no-mikoto
107 Takuhatachiji-hime 栲幡千千姫
108A Amatsu-kuni-tama-kami 天津国玉神
108B Ame-waka-hiko 天若日子神
109A Itsuno-abashiri-kami 稜威雄走神
109B Ameno-kaku-kami 天迦久神
110 Futsunushi-kami 経津主神 son of 38
111 Take-minakata-kami 建御名方神
112 Kushi-yatama-kami 櫛八玉神
113A Ameno-hoakari-mikoto 天火明命
113B Ameno-kayama-mikoto 天香山命
114 Ninigi-no-mikoto 邇邇藝命
115 Saruta-hiko-kami 猿田毘古神
116 Ameno-iwatowake-kami 天石門別神
116 Toyo-iwamado-kami 豊石窓神
117A Taokiho-oi-kami 手置帆負神
117C Ameno-mahitotsu-kami 天目一箇神
117D Ameno-hiwashi-kami 天日鷲神
117E Kushi-akadama-kami 櫛明玉神
118A Ameno-oshihi-mikoto 天忍日命
118B Amatsu-kume-mikoto 天津久米命
119A Iwanaga-hime-no-mikoto 石長比売命
119B Konohanasakuya-hime 木花開耶姫命
120A Hoderi-no-mikoto 火照命
120B Hosuseri-no-mikoto 火須勢理命
120C Hiko-hohodemi-mikoto 彦火火出見尊
121A Shio-tsuchi-kami 鹽椎神
121B Sahi-mochi-no-kami 佐比持神
122 Toyotama-hime-no-mikoto 豊玉毘売命
123 Tamayori-hime-no-mikoto 玉依毘売命 daughter of 18A
124 Ugaya-fukiaezu-mikoto 鵜葺草葺不合命
The Four Children of Ugaya-fukiauzu & Tamayori (125A-125D)
125A Itsuse-no-mikoto 五瀨命
125B Inahi-no-mikoto 稲飯命
125C Mikenu-no-mikoto 御毛沼命
125D Kamuyamato-iware-hiko-no-mikoto
Personal name of Japan's 1st emperor, Emperor Jimmu
175E Takemizuchi-no-mikoto 武甕槌命
186E Yamato Takeru-no-mikoto 日本武尊