
homepage: none
Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Samon-cho 17 東京都新宿区左門町17
Oiwa Inari Tamiya Jinja
Nearest station: Yotsuye-sanchome Line: Marunouchi Subway
This is the second of the Oiwa Inari Jinja. As its history is essentially the same as that of the Shinkawa Oiwa Inari Jinja I have not reproduced it here. The following text is translation of the newspaper clipping posted to a board in the shrine about a ninth generation Oiwa descendant, Tamiya Fusa (田宮 房).
Around the middle of the Meiji Period she was well known as a beautiful woman and as a master of the feminine arts. The latter gave her easy access to the long-established Date family mansion (Date-shi, 伊達氏) as a teacher of Japanese dancing, the tea ceremony, and singing accompanied by the samisen (naga-uta, 長唄). One of her more intimate dancing partners was Onoe Kikugoro V (五代目尾上菊五郎), a well-known kabuki actor, and she occasionally appeared on stage with him. Sometimes depicted in multi-colour woodblock prints (nishiki-e, 錦絵), she was also thought of highly in the Rokumeikan social circles, but sadly passed away at the young age of 34.
Enshrined Kami:
Toyōuke-hime-Okami 豊受比売大神
Tamiya-Oiwa-Mikoto 田宮於岩命
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