
Tōkyō-to, Chuo-ku, Nihonbashi Koami-cho 16-23 東京都中央区日本橋小網町16-23
Koami Shrine
homepage : (Japanese)
Nearest station: Ningyo-cho Line: Hibya Subway (H14)
Enshrined Kami:
(Note: numbers in parentheses after kami names
refer to position in How Many Kami table)
Ukanomitama-Mikoto 稲倉魂命
Ichikishima-hime-no-mikoto (58B) 市杵嶋姫命
In-ground Subordinate Shrines:
Main Festival: Every fifth year on May 28, next scheduled for 2026.
Divine Favours (御利益 Goriyaku)
Very good luck, instant fortune (強運, Kyo-un)
Protection against misfortune (厄除け, Yaku-yoke)
Koami Jinja is the Fukujuroku stop on the Chuo-ku, Nihonbashi Shichifukujin circuit.
In the district of Toshima-gun in Musashi Province there was a hermitage called Manpuku-an. It was founded by Enshin, a well known monk of the Tendai Sect; Kanzeon Bosatsu (Avalokiteśvara) and Benzaiten were enshrined therein. When it was founded is unclear but it was presumably sometime during Enshin’s life (942-1017).
In 1466 an epidemic swept the region and the residents were much troubled. Amidst this a venerable old fisherman in whose nets some grains of rice had been caught up visited the hermitage and spent a few days there. During his stay Enshin appeared in a dream to the then master of the hermitage and told him that if he, the master of the hermitage, were to worship the venerable old fisherman as Inari Okami then the epidemic would die out. Come morning the fisherman could not be found, but when the hermitage master told the inhabitants of the village about his dream they named the fisherman Koami Inari Daimyojin and built a shrine of that name to worship him. In due course the epidemic disappeared.
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The feudal lord of the region, Ota Dokan, heard about this and began to worship at the shrine. Reportedly he donated land to the shrine and renamed it Koamiyama Inari-in Manpukuji-ji. During the Keicho era (1596-1615) the surrounding locality was formally named Koami-cho and the shrine became the locality’s tutelary shrine. With the enactment of the Distinction between Shinto and Buddhism Order in the early Meiji Period the shrine was named Koami Inari Jinja. It took its current name of Koami Jinja when it registered as a Religious Corporation after the war.
In 1929 the shrine was rebuilt by the group of shrine carpenters led by Naito Komasaburo who had earlier built Meiji Jingu. It was fortunate enough to emerge undamaged from WWII and is now the only extant pre-war wooden shrine building in Nihonbashi.
Probably the main attraction of Koami Jinja is the small Benzaiten Well, the Japanese name for which is "Tokyo Zeni-arai Benten," (東京銭洗い弁天) lit. Tokyo Money Washing Benten. The belief is that if you wash your coins in the well and replace them in your purse or pocket prosperity will ensue.
The shrine's home page identifies Ichikishima-hime-no-mikoto with Benzaiten. This is not common, but does happen and the conflation seems to be based on the beauty and other aesthetic factors common to the two goddesses. When the shrine/temple components of Koamiyama Inari-in Manpukuji were separated in accordance with the Distinction between Shinto and Buddhism Order, Benzaiten went with the temple. Very soon after this, however, the temple closed down and Benzaiten was enshrined again in what was then Koami Inari Jinja.