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Saitama-ken, Fujimino-shi, Ōi 2-56             埼玉県ふじみ野市大井2-56

Nearest station


Tōbu Tōjō Line


Hikawa Jinja

January 12, 2017

This is one of three Hikawa Jinja in Fujimino-shi. A notice board at the shrine tells us that while the actual origin of the shrine is unclear there was a shrine in the area in 1596. This is attributed to a 1971 publication by the Saitama Shrine Association. To the south of this shrine was a place called Homura where an ancestral kami, Nenoue (?) Myōjin, held sway. In November 1818 this kami’s shrine was destroyed by fire. To help finance reconstruction an application was made to the Kawagoe feudal domain for permission to hold a Sumō fund-raising tournament. The application was approved but almost immediately famine followed and it was not until the late 1840s that reconstruction work started.  In a document dating to February 1848 the existence of a Shō-ichi-i (highest rank given to a shrine) Hikawa Nenoue DaiMyōjin was noted, and several smaller shrines in the area were in due course moved into its grounds. Along with the Shinbutsu-bunri the Nenoue-Myō Jinja was subordinated to the  Hikawa Jinja, and in 1872 the gods enshrined at the Ōmiya Hikawa Jinja were formally adopted.

Enshrined Deities: 

Susano-o-no mikoto                 素戔嗚尊                        Kushinada-hime-mikoto         奇稲田姫尊

Ōnamuchi-no-mikoto              大己貴命 

In-ground Shrine(s):  


Raijin-Gū                                      雷神社

Shinmei Jinja                              神明神社 

Kanayama Jinja                         金山神社

Kyūden Jinja                               久田神社

Yakumo Jinja                              八雲神社

Mitsumine Jinja                         三峯神社

Takane Jinja            高根神社

Earliest mention of:                     Unclear                          

Annual Festival:                      October 8                      

Hikawa Jinja, Saitama, Fujimino  簸川神社 埼玉県ふじみ野市

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© Rod Lucas 2016-2025

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