
Saitama-ken, Kawaguchi-shi Aoki 5-18−48 埼玉県川口市青木5-18−48 June 3, 2024
Nearest station: Nishikawaguchi Line: JR Tohoku Honsen
This is one of the 150 or so Hikawa Jinja in Saitama-ken, nine of which are in Kawaguchi-shi. It was founded in the early years of the Muromachi Period, sometime during the Ōei era (1394-1428), and is one of the oldest shrines in Musashi Province. Various buildings in the shrine have been rebuilt on numerous occasions and following the enactment of the Shrime Merger Order in 1906 a total of 17 local shrines were merged into Chinjyu Hikawa Jinja in 1907. Some of these shrines till stand in the ground of yje main shrine. Of the 17, 9 were Inari,. In 1884 (Meiji 17) the Main and Prayer Halls were reconstructed. During the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 the Prayer Hall and main torii were destroyed and a new torii and other buildings were erected in 1927 to commemorate the accession of the Showa Emperor two years earlier..In 1986 extensive restorations were funded by parishioner groups.

(Note: numbers in parentheses after kami names refer to position in How Many Kami table)
Enshrined Kami:
In-ground Subordinate Shrines:
Benten-Sha 弁天社
Furumine Jinj 古峰神社
Sengen Jinja 浅間神社
Tenjin-Sha 天神社
Mitsumine Jinja 峰神社
Inari Jinja 稲荷神社
Isozaki Jinja 磯前神社
Outside Subordinate Shrines:
Asahi Hikawa Jinja 朝日氷川神社
Kawaguchi-shi Asahi 1-3-15
Kamiaoki Hikawa Jinja 上青木氷川神社
Kawaguchi-shi Kamiaoki2-27-26号
Inari Jinja 稲荷神社
Kawaguchi-shi Ryoke 2-14-15号
Annual Festival: October 19, 29
