Nearest station
JR Joban, Subway Chiyoda & Hibiya Lines
Tōkyō-to, Adachi-ku, Senju Sakuragi 1-15-5
Motojukuseki Inari Jinja
Home page: None
September 13, 2017
Motojukuseki Inari Jinja is said to have been established during the reign of the 116th emperor, Momozono, in 1754: the emphasis is very much on the “is said to,” as other than evidence that the local people were observing all the usual religious ceremonies there is no real information about the foundation date. In November 1945, it became part of Motojuku Jinja while remaining in a separate location but following objections from many parishioners, and with the understanding of the Motojuku Jinja, it regained its independence and in February 1948 was once again recognized as housing the tutelary deity of the Sakuragi area. In July 1952 it was registered as a religious corporation (shūkyō-hōjin); in April 1954 the main hall was rebuilt.
Enshrined Kami:
(Note: numbers in parentheses after kami names
refer to position in How Many Kami table)
Ukanomitama-kami 宇迦之御魂神
From Merged Shrines
In-ground Shrines:
Sui Jinja 水神社
Earliest mention of: 1754 (?)
Annual Festival: April 11, September 11

While it is something of an exaggeration to say that the Motojukuseki Inari Jinja is just across the Bokutei Road from Motojuku Jinja, it is in fact some 220m away, the two shrines do seem culturally very close to each other, and although Motojukeseki is by far the smaller of the two it does have one secular claim to fame which its larger near neigbour cannot emulate. On a site immediately to its south and close to the River Sumida, the Senju Thermal Power Station operated from 1926 to 1963 and Motojukuseki conducted the Shintō services appropriate for the Power Station.
(Click on images to expand them)