Nearest station
Marunouchi Line
Tōkyō-to, Suginami-ku, Narita-higashi 5-29-3
Seiso-Suga Jinja
September 24, 2017
The shrine legend tells us that the it was established during the Heian Period in 941 and rebuilt in 1599. It seems that these events were recorded in documents kept at the shrine's betto-ji, Hoshoji Temple, (which served the same function for both Seiso-Shirayama and Ozaki-Kumano shrines) but in 1856 there was a fire at the temple and the documents were destroyed, hence the lack of documentary evidence for the shrine's foundation (I assume this also applies to Seiso-Shirayama and Ozaki-Kumano shrines). During the Edo Period the shrine was known as the Gozu-tennō-sha (牛頭天王社): Gozu-tennō is an alternative name for Susano-o-no mikoto (57) and refers to his being the "manifest traces" of the "original substance" that is Bhaiṣajya-guru, the Buddha of Medicine (Yakushi-nyorai 薬師如来) under the Honji Suijaku (lit: "original substance, manifest traces") concept. In 1872 the shrine was ranked as a village shrine, and in 1881 was given a Shinsen-heihakuryō-kyōshin-jinja designation. Moving into the twentieth century, it became a religious corporation in December 1945. In 1958 the main hall
Enshrined Kami:
(Note: numbers in parentheses after kami names
refer to position in How Many Kami table)
From Merged Shrines
In-ground Shrines:
Mitake Jinja 御嶽神社
Inari Jinja 稲荷神社
Earliest mention of: 941
Annual Festival: 1st Sunday of September

was completely renovated using Japanese cypress, hinoki, while what had been the prayer hall was remodelled as the shrine performance hall, kagura-den.
Some 600 metres away from the Ozaki-Kumano Jinja, 500 metres away from the #1 exit of Minaml-asagaya station, and the fourth and final stop on the Zenpukuji River Jinja Walk. It is quite spacious and set among low buildings is quite relaxing. The kitsune, both stone and ceramic are quite distinctive.
(Click on images to expand them)