Saitama-ken, Shiki-shi, Kashiwa-cho 3-6-19
埼玉県志木市柏町3-6-19 Google Map
18 May, 2021
舘氷川神社 Tatehikawa Jinja
Nearest station: Yanasegawa Line: Tobu Tojo (TS15)
homepage (none)

Enshrined Kami:
From Merged Shrines
Inada-hime-mikoto 稲田比売尊
Ōnamuchi-no-mikoto 大己貴命
In-ground Shrines:
Sakaimatsu Inari Daimyojin 境松稲荷大明神
Sengen Jinja 浅間神社
Daikoku Jinja 大国神社
Hachiman Jinja 八幡神社
Itsukushima Jinja 厳島神社
Kumano Jinja 熊野神社
Hakusan Jinja 白山神社
Fujitzuka 富士塚
Annual Festival:

This is the twenty-third of my ex post facto shrine reports .I visited it in November 2016.
This Hikawa Jinja is said to have been built sometime between 859 and 877 by Fujiwara Nagakatsu, (藤原長勝) the Governor of Kashiwa district, which encompassed what are now Shiki and Fushimi cities, enshrining the three kami of the Omiya Hikawa Jinja through the kanjō process.
He is also said to have built an estate among rice paddies which came into existence after he exterminated the serpents living in the local wetlands. The ruins of this estate came to be known as Kashiwa no Shiro (柏の城) and the Tatehikawa Jinja is located in what was the estate’s south-eastern moat.
In 1907 15 shrines were merged to form the current Tatehikawa Jinja.
(Click on images to expand them)