Nearest station
Odakyū Line
Tōkyō-to, Setagaya-ku, Kitami 5-3
Inari Jinja
Home page: None
October 2, 2017
I have been unable to find any information about this particular Inari Jinja, either in the books I have or on the Internet. If anyone would care to provide any information about it I would be most grateful. I visited it because it was on the map and fairly close to the two other jinja in Katami. At first sight it looked very much like many other small neighbourhood shrines, not in disrepair but probably having seen better days. Closer examination, however, showed a hidden gem, baku carvings. While not as colourful as their counterparts at the Konnō Hachiman-Gū they do have a fierce energy about them. They do though, at least to my untrained eye, seem to have a generic look about them so it may be they are the work of one artist, or one school of artists. Something else to look into.
Enshrined Kami:
(Note: numbers in parentheses after kami names
refer to position in How Many Kami table)
From Merged Shrines
In-ground Shrines:
Earliest mention of:
Annual Festival:

(Click on images to expand them)