Nearest station
Tōkyū Ikegami Line
Tōkyō-to, Ōta-ku, Ikegami 3-38-17
Tokumochi Jinja
Facebook page (Japanese)
March 22, 2018
Enshrined Kami:
Hondawake-no-mikoto 誉田別命
From Merged Shrines
Ukanomitama-no-kami 宇迦之御魂神
In-ground Shrines:
Tokumochi Tanaka Inari Jinja 徳持田中稲荷神社
Annual Festival: May 15

It is said that Tokumochi Jinja was founded during the Kenchō Period (1249-1255) as an offshoot of Usa Jingū in Buzen, the current Oita-ken, through the bunrei process. The betto-ji for the shrine was Tokujō-in (formal name Mihatayama-shinsho-dera (御旗山真勝寺) and for this reason it was known as Mihatayama Hachiman-gū. At that time the area the shrine serviced was called Tokumochi. In 1906 the Ikegami Racetrack was built and this forced the shrine to move to another site in Tokumochi.
In May 1908 the shrine was rebuilt and in September of the following year it absorbed a nearby Inari shrine and was renamed Tokumochi Jinja. Although the main shrine buildings were destroyed by the firebombing in 1945 a small in-ground shrine escaped damage and this was moved to the ruins of the main hall. In 1949 a temporary main hall was erected, it was not until 1966 that a new main hall was dedicated.
About 400 metres, five minutes on foot from Ikegami Station. For me there are two particularly interesting items in this jinja. The first is the half-pair of koma-inu outside the entrance to the car park. One remains, and where the other one should be is just an empty plinth. The second is the shrine's "Healthy Walking Route." The actual walking route itself is just a very short figure eight circuit horizontally across the front of the main hall: the real point of interest is the signboard showing the 35 or so tsubo (acupuncture, moxibustion points) on the sole of each foot.
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