Tamagawa Sangen Jinja is said to have been founded between 1185 and 1190 when Minamoto Yoritomo was leading a military expedition to a place called Matsuzaki Takanokawa in what is now the north of Tōkyō. Fearful for his life, his wife, Hōjō Masako, went looking for him, but when she was in what is now Tamagawa she had to have treatment for injuries to her feet caused by the ill-fitting straw sandals she was wearing. At about that time she ascended Mt. Kamenoko (亀甲山), from where she had a clear view of Mt Fuji. Tightly clutching a statue of Seikanzenon Bodhisattva she was carrying with her, she prayed for the continuing military success of her husband. On finding out about this the local villagers called the statue Fujisangen Daibosatsu, and what is now the Tamagawa Sangen Jinja developed around this incident. In 1907 two smaller local shrines, Kumano Jinja and Akagi Jinja, were absorbed under the terms of the Jinja Gōshi order of the previous year.
Enshrined Kami:
Konohanasakuya-hime (119B) 木花開耶姫命
From Merged Shrines
In-ground Shrines:
Afuri Jinja 阿夫利神社
Mitsumine Jinja 三峯神社
Inari Jinja 稲荷神社
Komitake Jinja 小御岳神社
Earliest mention of:
Annual Festival: First Saturday of June

Tamagawa Sengen Jinja
Nearest station
Tōkyū Tōyoko Line