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How Many Shrines in Shibuya-ku? At least 35

October 8, 2018

Number of Shrines in ​​Shibuya-ku described on this site (7)


Ebisu Jinja

Hatonomori Hachiman Jinja

Hirata Jinja

Konnō Hachiman-Gū

Shibuya Hikawa Jinja

Toyosaka Inari Jinja

Tsushima Jinja 


According to The Association of Shintō Shrines there are 34 shrines registered with it in Shibuya-ku (Japanese).   I have come up with a number of 35: the difference stems from the number of secondary in-ground shrines which are not registered with the Association. In the following table the names of the main (host) shrines are in bold characters, the names of the secondary shrines not. In all cases the addresses of the latter are identical to those of the former. 

Of the total 20 main shrines, 4 (20%) are Inari, as are 5 (33.3%)  of the 15 secondary shrines. Thus, of the total 35 shrines in Shibuya-ku 9 (25,7%) are Inari, slightly higher the 23% nationwide figure implied in Kamata’s table. There are 3 Hachiman Jinja in the ward, all main shrines.

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