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Nagano-ken, Matsumoto-shi, Shiraito 2-3-4長野県松本市白板2-3-4 Jan 2, 2023

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Hachiman Shrine

Nearest station: Kita-Matsumoto  Line: JR East, Oita (41) 

Sacred Tokyo 40 Shinto Shrines

Enshrined Kami:  


Hondawake-no-mikoto  誉田別命


From Merged Shrines

In-ground Shrines:

​Annual Festival:  2nd Sunday of May 

Divine Favours  (御利益 Goriyaku)

Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社

This is one of four shrines I visited in Matsumoto-shi, the second largest city in Nagano-ken. It was founded in 1505 near its current location but its proximity to the River Nagai (奈良井川) resulted in its being washed away when that river flooded in August 1559. Attempts to rebuild the shrine were nullified by repeated flooding over the next 90 years, and in 1691 it was rebuilt in its current location.

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Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
Hachiman Shrine/Jina   八幡神社
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