Nearest station
Tōkyū-Oimachi Line
Tōkyō-to, Shinagawa-ku, Futaba1-3-24
Shimo-shinmei-tenso Jinja
Home page: (Japanese)
April 16, 2017
In 1644 when the village of Hebiko, now the Futaba district of Shinagawa-ku, was split into two, Upper (kami) and Lower (shimo) Hebiko, its tutelary shrine was renamed Kami-shinmei-tenso Jinja and a new shrine, Shimo-shinmei-tenso Jinja, was consecrated in Shimohebiko. In 1909 an Inari Jinja was dedicated in the grounds of the shrine. In 1932 the koma-inu in front of the 2nd torii were dedicated and the following year those in front of the main hall were dedicated. With a body height of 1.4 m and 4 m overall height the latter are said by the shrine to be the largest in Shinagawa-ku. In 1973 the main hall was rebuilt. The temizuya (lit. "hand washing hut") shown in the photo directly below is relatively unusual in that it employs a pump rather than running water.

Enshrined Deities:
天照大御神 Amaterasu Ōkami
応神天皇 Emperor Ōjin
天児屋根命 Ama no Koyane no Mikoto
In-ground Shrines:
Earliest mention of: 1644
Annual Festival: Starting nearest Friday to Sept 16 for 3 days